
Coffee is not for everyone: 6 cases when you need to quit drinking coffee

Most of us just can’t imagine morning without a cup of fragrant coffee. This drink gives an energy boost for the entire day. However, there are categories of people for whom coffee is counter indicative.

American experts have proved that consuming of coffee in small doses (1-2 cups a day) does not cause any damage to health either to people who suffer from hypertension or people with excellent health. But the consuming of coffee in stiff doses (more than 300 ml) can cause health problems.

Harm for pregnant women
Coffee, as well as tea, contains ingredients that erode calcium in the bones. During the childbearing period, women already lose a lot of calcium, as it goes to form the skeleton of the child.

Harm for people with elevated cholesterol
Coffee contains a component cafestol, which leads to an increase in cholesterol in the blood. People who have increased cholesterol should abandon this drink. Also, doctors recommend not to drink a lot of coffee to women after 35-40 years.

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