
Forget about the expensive procedures: 7 products that will help to whiten your teeth

A beautiful smile is the "visiting card" of every person. Therefore it is not surprising that many people want to have brilliant white teeth, like Hollywood stars. But not everyone is ready to choose the professional whitening. Some because of the high cost of this procedure, and others - because of fear of harming tooth enamel.

But there is a solution from this situation. We have prepared a list of products, the use of which will make the teeth more white without damage to your health.



Despite its red color, strawberry is an effective natural clarifier. The composition of this berry includes malic acid, which removes the top layer of enamel. This help to keep of a snow-white smile. But there are exceptions: people with gum problems are not recommended to use strawberries.

Rigid fruits and vegetables

Apples, carrots, pears, celery and other rigid fruits are rich in micro elements and vitamins, which can be useful for the entire mouth cavity. During their chewing, saliva is abundantly released, which cleans teeth from dark spots and neutralizes harmful bacteria. A solid fiber products improve the blood circulation of the gums.

And that is not all. Want to read the whole article? Click here



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