
It is possible to live without an iron: 7 ways to iron things without an iron

We all know that " fine dress helps to impress". But what if your clothes is wrinkled and there is no iron at hand?

Keep your head up! For this case we have simple but effective ways how to do the ironing without an iron, using the creative resources and recommendations of desperate housewives.

1. Steam – in the fight with wrinkles it will win

Going to the shower, take a wrinkled dress with you and close the door to the bathroom. After 10-15 minutes, the steam will flatten the wrinkles. This method is not the most effective one, but your dress will look better.

To achieve a steam effect, you can also use the following method: run a bath with hot water. The water should be hot, not warm. Put the dress on hangers and fix them over the water. After 20-30 minutes, under the influence of heat and steam, the wrinkles on the dress will straighten out.

This simple method is applicable for any fabrics: from delicate to natural.

The disadvantage of this method: it will take some time for the dress to dry out.

This is only 1 way out of 7. Click here to read about the remaining 6.



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