
12 strange and ridiculous laws from different parts of the world

There are no countries that can exist without their norms and statutes. When forming the legislation of any country, the historical and cultural heritage is taken as a basis. But, quite often, existing laws contradict common sense and logic. Some of them cause a smile, and some - bewilderment.

We offer to get acquainted with the most curious and stupid, so as not to break them.

Cleveland, United States

Residents of this small town are prohibited from trying on and wearing shoes with a varnished coating. This is due to the fact that the glossy surface can reflect the underwear, and men can take advantage of this.

Warrington, United Kingdom

At the train station in Warrington, a taboo on kisses (as in France). The main reason - such a manifestation of feelings interferes with other passengers and can even lead to a delay in the train. For this purpose, the station even allocated special seats.

Swaziland, Africa

In this small kingdom, the fair sex is not allowed to wear underwear. In case of non-compliance with this law, special people can force to remove it or do it with the use of force.

United Kingdom

In this country, a woman in the position can ask the police helmet if there is not a proper place near the direction of the natural need. And it will be quite legal.

Alabama, United States

In this state, women are forbidden to wear shoes with stilettos. The authorities went to such drastic measures after one woman stepped on the grate for water drainage and twisted her leg. She sued the city government and won the case.


Residents of this country do not have the right to refuse to use their toilet, anyone who comes to their house.


On all banknotes of Thailand, the king is depicted, so it is illegal to stamp money here. For his violation, you can go to jail.


In Israel it is strictly forbidden to pick one's nose on Saturdays. The believing population believes that picking at the nose, you can accidentally pull out the hair from your nostrils, which, in turn, can provoke bleeding. As a result, it will defile the sanctity of the Sabbath.


In the Middle Kingdom you can go to court for the salvation of a man who is drowning. In this country it is equated to an attempt to interfere in someone else's destiny.

Melbourne, Australia

The law that operates in this city causes only a smile. The essence of it is that men of Melbourne are forbidden to appear in a strapless dress. But the law does not apply to any other women's outfits.

Saudi Arabia

The law of this country forbids listening to music in public places. Within the framework of this law, there is not even a music lesson in schools and higher education institutions. And what's strange, you can not listen to it even in music stores.


A very unexpected law operates throughout the country, which prohibits all owners of the name Maria to sell her body. Violation of this law is perceived as an insult to believers.

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