
High risk: 4 types of women who are avoided by men

Sometimes, there are situations when some women do not have a rebuff from admirers, while others - are all the time avoided by a man half.
Most often, women who don't have relationships with the opposite sex, are looking for the reason in men. But, in reality, she can be one of those women whom the strong sex deliberately avoids.



A man who was born and raised in a patriarchal family with a habitual distribution of roles between parents, most likely believes that he should be the main breadwinner in the family. Relations with a woman who is more successful in material terms, can cause him to have hidden discomfort and even complexes. Subconsciously, he will feel his own inferiority due to the fact that he can not give her the level of life to which she has already become accustomed.

The Woman in Sorrows

Strong sex is repelled by women who have lost all interest in life and everything that happens around. These women all the time are in a decadent mood or boundless anguish. In a relationship, men appreciate simplicity and ease. They are repelled by women who are always dissatisfied with something, angry at themselves and the whole world, criticize everyone and everyone and do not know how to simply enjoy life.

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