
Perennial hunger: 10 possible causes of increased appetite

Many of us have faced a situation when you are full, but your hand is opening the door of the refrigerator again.
In this article, we will consider the possible causes of an uncontrolled hunger.

1. Poor breakfast or its absence
Nutritionists and doctors do not stop repeating that breakfast is the main meal of the day. But, unfortunately, many believe that a nutritious breakfast can harm the figure, or simply do not find time for it. Big mistake. After all, a full-fledged first meal increases the working capacity of a person by 30% and invigorates. A hearty and healthy breakfast helps to reduce hunger during the whole day.

Scientists from the Menzies Research Institute found that people who do not miss breakfast are less likely to experience cardiovascular problems and are less likely to develop diabetes.

2. Poor nutrition

If you ignore the basic rules of the diet, the body will not receive vitally important substances. For normal functioning our body needs: fats and carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, various vitamins and microelements. It is best to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, sour-milk products and cereals. And remember you should it five times a day: 3 full meals and two " in between" meals.

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