
Scream therapy: 7 ways to relieve stress fast

Unfortunately, for today stress and nervous overstrain – it is not uncommon. Rhythm of the modern life does not actually leave time for proper rest. We are all in such a hurry and we are always doing something. Such way of life certainly detrimental to our health and mental state.


In this article, we describe the ways in which you can relieve stress at home without using medications.


Sport is the most effective tool to help in the fight against stress. Physical exercises help to distract, relieve tension and relax. In order not to lose interest in the sport after the first time, it is necessary to begin with light loads: it may be walking, swimming or riding a bicycle. And then, gradually increase the "dose".


Massage is great for body and mind relaxation. If there is no time and opportunity to attend a professional masseur, then have at least 10-15 minutes for self-massage. You can use four techniques: stroking, pressing, patting, tingling. After some time, you can use only those techniques that you liked most of all.


Many of you have probably heard that you need to scream to get rid of negative emotions. But not everyone takes this advice seriously. They should! This is a simple and effective way to deal with stress. Even celebrities use this method. The only condition: you need to screm loudly, with all your strength and from the heart. You can do this in a pillow so that no one will hear, under the sound of water in the bathroom or in the open field (if you have such a possibility, of course).

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