
55 hours for love: 10 short-term marriages among Hollywood stars

During the wedding ceremony the newlyweds make vows to each other to be together until death do them part. But is it really so? It is known that Hollywood stars are famous for their inconstancy in relations. Some of them even set antirecords - having been married a few days or even hours.


In this article we have prepared a list of 10 Hollywood stars whose marriages lasted very short time.

Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney - 4 months

Renee can boast of only one official marriage, and then very short. In 2005, Zellweger accepted proposal of marriage from country singer Kenny Chesney. Their marriage became a surprise for many people. A lavish wedding with a large number of guests took a place on the Virgin Islands. But after 4 months the marriage was canceled.

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Esposito - 4 months

Before becoming a famous Hollywood star, Bradley managed to get into a very short marriage. Cooper and the dancer Esposito dated for a year, and after they made the mutual decision to get married. But they were in marriage only four months, when Jennifer filed for divorce.

Jennifer Lopez and Cris Judd - 4 months

After the break up with P Diddi, Jennifer had an affair with a dancer from her ballet. In 2001, the couple celebrated the wedding. Feeling turned Lopez's head and before the wedding, she forgot to make a marriage contract. Married life lasted only 4 months and cost the singer $ 15 million. They say that is so much Cris demanded from the ex-spouse during the divorce.

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