
7 good movies based on true stories

Sometimes it takes years for screenwriters to write a good story for the film. But it often happens that life itself tells the story. And if add a little imagination and director talent to them, we will get a good movie based on real-life events.


In this article we have collected films, which leaves no one cold.

Lion (2016)

Genre: drama, biography

The main character is a young guy, whose name is Saroo. When he was five years old, completely by accident, he fell asleep on the train, which took him thousands of miles from his family and home.

The boy could not remember what city he was from, so he was sent to a shelter. After he was adopted by a married couple from Australia.

Saroo never stopped dreaming that maybe one day he will be able to see father’s home, his mother and elder brother. That is why, after 25 years, he went looking for them.

Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017)

Genre: biography, history, family

In the world there are only a few people who have never heard of Winnie the Pooh and his friends. But very few people know what inspired Alan Milne to write this story. This touching film tells the audience about the author's family, his relationship with his son Christopher Robin, and of course how the favorite fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh was born.

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