
Alcohol reveals knowledge of a foreign language

If you do not speak foreign language very well you are likely have faced with a situation when it is difficult to find words or to convey a message easily.
Scientists proved that alcohol acts in such a way that the tension or excitement, that blocks the speech receptors – goes away. It helps to relax and the text flows freely. 

On the other hand, the main thing is not to drink too much. Consuming alcohol in large quantities might have an adverse effect on concentration and connectivity. Research carried out by the Liverpool University had revealed that those who drunk limited doses of alcohol, coped with tasks for "pronunciation" better. Those who have just learned the language coped with the task very well. Those who have studied a foreign language long time ago, remembered more words than before drinking alcohol.

Languages with a big quantity of vowels and soft pronunciation have shown the best results. That is because the relaxation of linguistic muscles allows you to stretch sounds more accurately and smooth out the transitions of pronunciation.

Those who have drunk more alcohol than it was recommended, coped with the tasks worse. Even if in a sober state there were no problems with the language.

Recommended dose is 3g with an average alcohol content of 22%.

It is important to remember that different doses of alcohol wear off in different periods of time.

Therefore, this fact must be taken into account by those who drive a car.

More interesting articles here: ozilook.com

