
Forbidden fruit: 14 products child should avoid eating under 3 years of age

When a child reaches the age of one year, his diet can be gradually expanded. And that is why many mothers want to pamper their babies with tasty foods that other family members like to eat. Nevertheless, do not forget that under the age of 3, the digestive system of the child is not yet fully formed. Eating of heavy meal may harm a baby's health.


In this article, we will tell what foods to avoid feeding your baby during the first three of growth.

1. Meat broth. The substances that are released during the preparation of meat broths can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to replace with vegetable broth.

2. Sausages, bratwurst and salami. These products contain many dyes and harmful additives. Give preference to quality hard cheeses.

3. Ice cream. Ice cream bought in supermarket contains many preservatives and other harmful additives. You can learn to make delicious and natural ice cream at home.

4. Melons and grapes. The consumption of these fruits is bad for pancreas. For now it is better to limit your baby to apples and pears.

5. Carbonated beverages. Such drinks are harmful to an adult, not to speac about their affect on children's body. It is better to give preference to natural drinks (juices, compotes).

6. Chocolate and cocoa. These products may cause an allergic reaction. They also contain a large amount of fats, which greatly overload the baby's liver and pancreas.

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