
It's only a lovers quarrel: tips on how to make up with your loved one after a quarrel

Everybody fights and have quarrels. Even the happiest and most successful couples have conflicts from time to time. And it does not matter what caused the scandal, the main thing is to be able to stop in time and figure out a way to make it up to your loved one.


In this article, we want to share a few simple recommendations that will contribute to a happy reconciliation.

After the quarrel

Do not try to find a way to reconciliation right after the fight. First you need to exhale and to calm down. Analyze the current situation. You can use a paper to set out all negative emotions, pluses and minuses of the situation. Such a simple practice often has a positive impact.

Direct all the negative energy on something useful. You made do things for which you could not find time before: neatly put things in a closet, put things in order in the pantry, throw out the trash. You can also watch an easy film or go to an exhibition or a museum.

Pause. It's very good to change your thoughts: read a book or magazine, watch TV, or even just sleep. It is not excluded that by getting rid of negative thoughts, it will be possible to look at the situation on the other side.

If a solution to the conflict is not obvious, you can ask advice from a third-party person. You do not even need to call a close friend, mom or sister, you can find a virtual interlocutor on thematic forums. Often, the most effective advice can give exactly unfamiliar strangers.

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