
The 15 most beautiful flowers on Planet Earth

The world that surrounds us is very beautiful. And a special place in the creation of this magnificence is occupied by flowers. Fragrant and beautiful - they are ready to cheer up, help to convey feelings and emotions, give a feeling of happiness. We can talk endlessly about these beautiful plants, but it is much more pleasant to see them.

We present to your attention the 15 most beautiful flowers in the world.  

1. Protea 

2. Strelitzia

3. Lycoris 

4. Kadupul

5. Hydrangea

6. Lantana 

7. Colombian Aquilegia 

8. African Daisies

9. Dahlia

10. Calla 

11. Plumeria 

12. Gazania

13. Dicentra 

14. Barringtonia asiatica

15. Lotus

See also: Top 15 most unusual and beautiful types of roses



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